The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess : Episode 1

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

Well this seems to be more of a comedy, and given everything else I’m watching this season. And just how much of it is serious and slightly dark, yea a fun comedy is pretty good. Some parts of it was just too much for me, but not horrendous yet.

In general I am enjoying the characters, I think Villhaze is a fun supporting character. And Terakomari has plenty of room for growth in the future. Also seems like there is a serious story in this show as well, not going to all be silly comedy. We already see the first major antagonist it looks like, in the form of that masked woman at the end. Possibly one of the kids who beat her up previously in school and caused her to become a shut-in.

But really the general setting, with some dark magic not letting people die with-in a certain zone. And possibly more than that. Along with wars in this setting becoming nothing more than entertainment, for whom I’m not sure. Maybe the general population, maybe the leaders, or maybe some higher force. Along with Komari’s comment on wanting to end this method and events. That is what I really would love to learn more about.

As a side note, this is fairly similar to Dog Days. In that it also had wars in which nobody died, though in a different method, and a much more comedic and enjoyable tone. But the whole thing became some form of entertainment and enjoyment. Though Dog Days nobody seemed to mind “dying” in the wars, where-as this it seems to be more serious and possibly painful.

Categories: AnimeFall 2023