Attack on Titan : Episode 10

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 7

Final binge episode of the day, and yea things are finally happening for sure. It took awhile to get here, but you can finally actually see the plot of the show beginning. Of course to get this plot started, we had to get a semi-competent military commander to show up apparently. Won’t say he is great yet, given he hasn’t exactly had great results thus far.

Now onto me questioning the logic of the world and characters for no actual reason. Who designed the wall systems and gates, and why did they do such a poor job of it. They kinda set themselves up for failure based on the overhead shot, way too much empty space with no gates or walls to section off the various sections. So you don’t have anything to essentially serve as a fire break, in case you have an incursion. Also general comment, why was nobody working on filling the hole in the gate to start with? They have control over the wall above the broken gate, so obviously start mining some materials and transporting them to the gate and drop it down in front of the gate. Or start building a new temporary gate on top of the wall you could drop into place. So many options you could do in order to seal that section and begin to slowly get rid of the remaining titans in that section, that just isn’t being done. Until some guy who can turn into a titan shows up and the idea of dropping a large stone in the hole comes up.