Lycoris Recoil : Episode 3

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

Finally got around to watching Ep 3. And I just don’t see what everyone else really loves about the show. It is fine, it is average, but it is nothing special. The characters are enjoyable sure, and it looks average. But just nothing in the show is impressing me. The story still hasn’t really progressed at all by this point, they haven’t even started to investigating. Let alone have any leads. And character wise, well.

Chisato is energetic and cheerful, but I dislike the entire idea around her only using non-lethal rounds and caring about the injured. If firing on you ally to save their life was enough to get Takina kicked out, Chisato should never be allowed to join a mission ever. How could you trust Chisato to actually properly do her job, if she might randomly stop and bandage some mercenary who just killed 5 peopled. Takina I actually really like, I like the idea that she had one goal and that was to return. I like how cold and calculating she is, take the fastest route to the solution. Unfortunately, I am about 80% sure they are gonna change that about her by being around Chisato to make her more cheerful and happy in the coming episodes. We already saw that with the end of this episode and the train photo.

I want to see Takina not go to the stupid board game night, not waste playing and messing around. I want her to go into the next episode just fully committed to tracking down the arms dealers, nothing else matters. But I fully doubt they will actually allow Takina to be that character.