Love of Kill : Episode 4

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 6

If this show, and manga as well, has one major issue. It is just how repetitive it ends up being very quickly. Each arc seems to play out in a very similar way, Chateau gets attacked or kidnapped and than Ryang shows up and saves her. It never tries to do anything different or move away from that plot structure. And it works fine a couple times, but quickly it just becomes super repetitive and dull. In the process it also really hurts Chateau as a character, you learn she is never going to save herself or really do anything, and that Ryang will always be the one to save her.

Well that, and you really don’t have much connection to these characters at all. By episode 4 I still don’t really have any attachment or interest in any of them. Or have any backstory or knowledge of the events that are happening.