She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man : Episode 1

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 2

Well, this is the biggest disappointment I’ve seen in a couple seasons. This might be the worst first episode I have ever watched, it is just pure trash. I can say nothing to redeem this episode at all. They have the worst cgi possible, butchered the story, butchered the character and the exploration, and forgot to finish the damn episode.

Like none of this happens at all in the manga, and has no reason to happen. The whole idea is you are suddenly thrown into the same situation as Mira, with no warning or explanation. And get shocked and surprised at the same time as they do, and learn things at the same time. It works really well, and in general it is just a really enjoyable time and experience.

This is everything else, this is just a terrible generic episode with nothing of interest. And absolutely terrible CGI that makes it so that the fights are not even something interesting to watch.

And what the hell was with the last 5 minutes? Did they run out of time to actually finish the episode? No voice actors except for a single line in the last seconds, no sound effects, no atmosphere at all. Just a still image montage that spoils way too much that we should in no way know at this point. And with the most generic jrpg background music possible playing to go along with this montage.

I think I’m gonna give it one more episode, just to see how far this falls. But I’m about 95% certain I will just drop this show and continue to read the manga. And I would recommend anyone else just go pick up the source, it is just so much better.