Little Busters! Refrain : Episode 5

Published by ThyMrMan on

Current Episode Score: 5

Where is this going? No like seriously, what is the point of everything that happened in this episode. We are half-way through the season already, what does having Rin leave gain us? Like the relationship between Riki and Rin just started, has had no progress, and now is immediately ended. So that whole relationship was pointless.

And what is the whole point of what is happening in the story anyhow, and why is nobody commenting on it. As far as I know 4 people in the friends group has now just vanished, and nobody has questioned it. Just a single comment about them missing. I’m sure this is all leading to something eventually, but it doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t really feel like it works out at all.

And up to know I’ve been giving the show the benefit of the doubt, that things will be solved. And I will get answers to my questions. But we are still not there, nothing has been explained or answered at all. This secret is still a secret. When is that larger story actually going to develop?

Categories: AnimeFall 2013